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Performance Management

Our Performance-management program helps organisations to set and manage clear goals & expectations, track career progress, including how an individual’s expectation and performance translates to overall vision of the company. Our tools assist managers to adjust workflow, choose new courses of action, and make strategic decisions to help individuals and organisation achieve their objectives.

  1. PMS planning : – Workshop with Leadership team to understand Organisation vision and goals and provide recommendation through one-on-one discussion with Functional Heads for goal alignment. This is primarily to ensure KRAs are aligned to org goals.
  2. PMS process execution: – Introduce Monitoring by defining appraisal periodicity, KRA progress tracking to mitigate obstacles. Offer to Train people managers on ‘how to conduct effective appraisal’. Rewards to employees through increments, incentives, promotion
  3. Templates and guides: – We help to develop toolkit for an effective process execution of PMS. E.g. Organisation Vision and Goal template, Job Description template, KRA design template, Appraisal Form template, PMS process handbook